09th September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II

Today we join the United Kingdom and Commonwealth nations in mourning the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts and condolences are with The Royal Family and everyone around the world mourning the loss of Her Majesty....

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30th August 2022

ASCO Launches First Sustainability Report

We are pleased to announce the launch of our first annual Sustainability Report, which demonstrates commitment to our fundamental obsession for Sustainability. The report covers our activities in the calendar year January 2021 - December 2021, acr...

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29th August 2022

BP Awards for D2 Warehouse Team

Congratulations to our D2 warehouse team who have been recognised with two awards from our client, BP, acknowledging seven years of collaboration and our shared value for safety. The first award was presented for our dedication to BP's safety leade...

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08th August 2022

Creating Local Value on a Global Scale

ASCO began life as the Aberdeen Services Company, a logistics and materials management company founded over 50 years ago in 1967. ASCO's customers have historically been predominantly major oil and gas operators, although the company now has a grow...

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19th July 2022

EIC Appoints Four New Directors to its Board

The Energy Industries Council—one of the world’s leading energy trade associations and the purveyor of world class industry data, events, and insights—announced today that it has added four new members to its Board of Directors as the EIC continues...

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08th July 2022

Insight from a New Start, Samantha Heeralal

Samantha joined ASCO in February 2021 and is based at our Chaguaramas site in Trinidad as a Buyer within the Commercial team. "My career started in the Food and Beverage Industry, where I began my Academics in Marketing. I got the opportunity for a...

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