05th August 2021

Office Phased Return - 9th August

Dear all, Following on from government guidance we are now in the position to start a gradual return to the offices which have been working remotely since March 2020. From 9th August, our headquarters D2 will partially reopen, with the intent to w...

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29th July 2021

Self-isolation rules for close contacts

Dear all, Although the UK and Scottish Governments relaxed restrictions further on the 19th July, self-isolation of close contacts rules remained unchanged. If you have been identified as a close contact to someone who has tested positive for COV...

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19th July 2021

COVID-19 Update - Return to the office - England

Dear all, After the recent UK Government announcements las week, England moved to step 4 of the roadmap today. After reviewing our framework, we have made the decision that our locations in England will move to level 1 of the ASCO framework no ear...

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19th July 2021

COVID-19 Update - Return to the office - Scotland

Dear all, After the recent Scottish Government announcements last week, Scotland moved into a modified Level 0 today. After reviewing our framework, we have made the decision that our locations in Scotland will move to level 1 of the ASCO framewo...

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16th July 2021

A Focus on Career Development, Ole Kjetil Borsheim

Ole Kjetil Borsheim joined ASCO in early 2019 after gaining 11 years of logistics management experience from the Royal Norwegian Navy. Starting out as Quayside Superintendent, Ole Kjetil was able to learn about the Oil and Gas industry working on t...

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07th July 2021

Triple SNS Contract Win for ASCO

Global integrated logistics and materials management company, ASCO, has announced the award of three major contracts, which will be serviced via its Southern North Sea (SNS) base in Great Yarmouth. The company has secured a three-year contract ext...

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30th June 2021

COVID-19 Update

Dear all, Recently we have seen a rise in COVID-19 cases reported locally to some of our locations throughout the UK and we wanted to take this time to remind you all how important it is that we stick to our local government restrictions for everyo...

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24th June 2021

Lateral Flow Testing

Dear all, Currently, around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not show symptoms, meaning they can easily spread the virus to others without knowing. The NHS Scotland are currently recommending using lateral flow tests twice a week where possible to ...

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21st June 2021

Return to the office roadmap - UK

Dear all, In line with the latest announcements from the First Minister and Prime Minister, we have deferred the timeline for people to start returning to offices to 2 August 2021. We know this will come as disappointment to those of you who had p...

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