Active Language - en

COVID-19 Update - UK

Published: 08 February 2021
COVID-19 , United Kingdom

Dear all,

As I'm sure you will all know, people throughout the world in the highest risk groups are beginning to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination.

We understand that it is a confusing time with so much information available on the vaccine, and we wanted to take some time to provide some more insight from primary resources to help everyone understand the importance of this vaccine.

All COVID-19 vaccines have to undergo rigorous testing including three phases of clinical trials. The vaccination reduces the risks of infection, especially severe infection that leads to hospitalisation. This will also help keep our hospitals and healthcare facilities from being overwhelmed.

Some positives of getting the vaccine are:

  • Vaccinated people are probably less likely to transmit COVID-19
  • When a large portion of a community is vaccinated this can reduce the spread
  • The community will be safer, especially for those who cannot be vaccinated
  • Vaccination can contribute to a safe & gradual reopening of the economy & society

We have included a MYTHS vs FACTS document (on SharePoint) also provided from our Occupational Health Provider, International SOS, which focuses on the common myths circulating regarding the vaccination which may help to reduce any unease you may be feeling. They also offer a FAQ section on their website for unanswered questions you may have, which is available here.

While vaccination is voluntary, all who are medically eligible are encouraged to be vaccinated.

Please be aware of scams pretending to provide COVID-19 vaccines. Only participate in vaccination programmes authorised by your local health authorities and do not click on any unknown links.

Kind regards,

The Task Force