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Return to the "New Normal" Working Environment in the UK

Published: 19 June 2020
COVID-19 , United Kingdom

Dear all,

We have been working on how we can return to the workplace following the Scottish government route map and guidelines.

There are several considerations that will need to be accounted for prior to the full reopening of our sites:

  • Safe working practices
  • Implementation of physical / social distancing measures
  • Health, hygiene and safety protocols
  • Maximum staff capacity / premises occupancy level

The main guidance remains: if you can work from home you should work from home.

The return to the "New Normal" Working Environment will be gradual and achieved in a controlled manner without compromising your safety or the safety of your colleagues.

The ASCO route map attached includes details on which staff category can return to work and when, it can also be found on Connect.The expected timeline may change due to compliance with the Scottish government guidelines.

As the Scottish government has moved to phase 2, non-essential warehouse staff will gradually return to the workplace from early July, whereas non-essential indoor office staff will progressively return during Phase 3. It is likely that many of us will continue to work remotely until phase 4.

Engagement with each staff category will be performed prior to your return to work to communicate new ways of working, procedures and protocols but also assess your capability to return. Our aim is to be working in our 'new normal' circumstances by Phase 4, which is currently set to be October/November this year.

Any plans to return to the workplace must be approved by the Task Force on review of relevant plans and assessment by the business unit.

If you have any queries regarding this, please get in touch with your line manager or email

Kind regards,

The Task Force Team