Active Language - en

COVID-19 Update - UK

Published: 15 December 2021
COVID-19 , United Kingdom

Dear all,

After the recent Government announcements, there have been changes to the isolation rules in both Scotland and England. We included these changes below and what they mean for ASCO.

When do I have to self-isolate?

Across the UK you must self-isolate for 10 days if you:

  • Test positive for COVID or have COVID symptoms
  • Are waiting for the results of a PCR test after developing COVID symptoms
  • Are an adult who has not been double vaccinated, who lives with someone who tests positive (or who has COVID symptoms)
  • Are an adult who has not been double vaccinated, who has been identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive

What are the rules for contacts?

If you're a double-vaccinated contact of a positive case, the rules vary depending on where you live:


  • You should isolate for 10 days if anyone in your household tests positive for COVID. This is regardless of your age or vaccination status, or if you test negative.
  • If you have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID, but who is not in your household, you should isolate and take a PCR test. If the test is negative - and you are double-vaccinated or aged under 18 years and four months - you can leave isolation.


  • If you are double vaccinated and come into contact with a person with COVID (all variants), you should take daily lateral flow tests (LFT) for seven days, whatever your age.
  • The tests should be taken from the day you're notified by NHS Test and Trace, and the results should be reported online or by calling 119.
  • If one of the lateral flow tests is positive, you'll need to self-isolate and take a PCR test to verify the result.
  • If the PCR is positive, you must self-isolate for 10 days from the day you took the positive LFT or developed symptoms.
  • Even if the lateral flow tests are negative, you are "strongly advised" to limit contact with others.
  • The government has temporarily suspended the ability to order LFTs online amid high demand.

Due to these changes, ASCO has now moved from Level 1 to Level 2 in the attached framework also available on SharePoint here.

ASCO Level 2 focuses on:

  • Home working where possible
  • All site visits must be authorised by the Task Force ahead of taking place
  • Non-essential travel should be pre-approved by the AMB
  • Canteen, kitchen and bothies will be open in line with maximum capacity

We ask you all to remain vigilant, outside of the workplace it is just as important to follow all measures in place while adhering to to local government guidance.

If you have any queries or concerns, please email