We are pleased to announce the launch of our first annual Sustainability Report, which demonstrates commitment to our fundamental obsession for Sustainability.
The report covers our activities in the calendar year January 2021 - December 2021, across all ASCO's global locations. Within the report we benchmark our progress to achieve our target of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2040 against an established 2019 baseline.
At ASCO we understand that Sustainability means more than just protecting the environment; it is building a strong and viable business that is socially responsible. Our 2021 report outlines our commitment to the environment, our people, our communities, good governance and our wider stakeholders. We also present our Energy Transition Strategy which focusses on supporting new energy development and providing low carbon solutions to our clients, as we work to decarbonise our own operations.
To read more please access our full 2021 report here or by visiting the Reports section within our website.